Tuesday 5 December 2017

Ali Abdullah Saleh killed by Houthis

The former President of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, has been killed by Houthi fighters. Meanwhile, violence rages in the capital Sanaa following the breakdown of Saleh’s alliance with the movement last week.
Saleh’s death has been confirmed, both by his own General People’s Congress party and the Houthi-backed media. According to media claims, the movement has now gained the upper hand in the capital.
“The ministry of interior statement announces that they have taken over all the positions and strongholds of the treacherous militia in Sanaa and the surrounding areas, as well as other provinces in order to impose security,” Houthi TV reported adding that “Saleh and his supporters” had been killed.
In a statement on Monday, Saleh declared that Yemen “had to be saved from the madness of the Houthi group.”
Houthi sources reported that Saleh, who led the country from 1978 until 2011, was ambushed while attempting to flee the capital towards the province of Marib. His car, which was also carrying the secretary-general of his party, Yasser al-Awadi, was allegedly first hit by an RPG, and then riddled with bullets as Saleh tried to escape on foot.

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